sus3 Music Premier Artist – Intake Form
Instructions: Congratulations on having your music signed with sus3 Music.
Complete a new Intake form for EACH song that is being signed to the sus3 Catalog.
Once you have completed all the intake forms, then upload all the stems for all the songs using the link at the bottom of the page.
- Step 1. Complete The Song Intake Form for each song being signed to the catalog
- Step 2. Upload all of the stems and paperwork for all the songs using thet Upload Stems Link (see below for details)
Step 1 – Complete Intake Form
Step 2 – Upload Song Stems and Paperwork
- Upload the stems for all of the songs that have been accepted into the sus3 Music catalog
- Upload Stems Only (see below) – Do Not Upload Individual Tracks
- Upload Hi Res files Only – they must be in at least 48K 24 bit AIFF files (WAV or mp3 are not acceptable)
- Make sure you upload each of the following:
- Full Mix
- Clean Version (if applicable)
- Instrumental
- Vocal Mix (Acapella)
- Lyric Sheet (this can be included in the metadata of the full mix or uploaded as a PDF or TXT file).
- Split Sheet with One Stop Addendum (for any song with co-writers)
- Work For Hire form (for any song where contracted services were provided – Hired Vocals, Engineering, etc).